Saturday, October 31, 2009

Grade One Math Homework - Unit 3

Math notebooks will be sent home on Monday.
Unit 3 homework due: November 12

1. Make a weekly calendar. It should include the days of the week (Sunday to Saturday) and your family's schedule. Draw or write one thing under each day of the week.

2.Record the following times to the closet half-hour:
a) the time you get up in the morning
b) the time you leave for school
c) the time you get home
d) the time you eat supper
e) the time you go to bed

3. Empty your wallet, or find a small handful of coins. Count  the counts.
a) How many pennies?
b) How many dimes?
c) How many quarters?
d) How many loonies?
e) How many toonies?
f) How many coins altogether?
g) How many cents?

Halloween Fun!

We had fun dressing up on Friday. Both teachers and students came dressed in costumes. The day ended with a costume contest.
Congrats to the following students:
Serena Yakuse-Duffy - Costume that most depicted the spirit of Halloween
Nathanael Tan - Most original costume
Alexis Koo, Sofia Marty and Klara Deras - Cutest costume.

Congratulations! You each earned your house an additional 1000 points. Pictures to be posted shortly.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Media Literacy

Coming Up This Week

Monday - Hot lunch orders for November are due.

Tuesday - Casual Day - If you didn't pay at the beginning of the year and would like to participate, please bring in $2.

Friday - Come dressed in a costume. Each student who comes dressed in a costume will receive extra house points. We will also be having a small party that afternoon. If you wish, you may send in treats to share. Please remember that there are 16 students in the class. Please send in only nut-free treats.

Friday - Progress reports go home.

How We Express Ourselves

We are beginning new units or inquiry under the theme the theme "How We Express Ourselves".  More information to follow. Grade one students will be building pretend playgrounds. Kindergarten will be building the settings in their stories. Please send in paper towel tubes, egg cartons, small boxes and anything else you think would be helpful.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Celebrate Fall!

Cookies for sale!

Where: In the Commons
When: After school this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only.
All cookies must be ordered in advanced.
Cookies orders will arrive the following week. 
Cost: Only $2 each
Why: For fun!
Buy one for yourself. Send one to a friend.
Buy a bunch to take home.

House Points

Congrats to the following students. You have earned 100 house points!

Completed reading log for the week of October 13-16

Perfect speed drills:



Spelling Words for October 19-23


Play a spelling game:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Well done!

Congrats to Aiden and Julia who both completed their speed drill today accurately and under a minute. Well done! You've been awarded 100 house points and extra money for the Friday store.


Congratulations to the following students who read every night last week (Mon., Tues., Wed.,) and filled in their reading log:


Well done! You each earn 100 house points and extra money for the Friday store.

A Beka Math Tests

Dear Parents:
     As you know, we are using two math programs this year: Math Makes Sense and A Beka math. The Math Makes Sense curriculum is more concept based, where as the A Beka math concentrates more on rote skills.
     Right now in A Beka math, SK is concentrating on numbers 1-20. We are learning to write numerals and find groups of numbers.
     In grade one we are concentrating on addition and subtraction facts to 6. Each day the grade ones complete a speed drill. There are 12 questions. The goal is to get as many questions answered correctly in 1 minute. If you notice there is a number written on your child's sheet (e.g. 34, 43, 56). This number indicates the number of seconds it took your child to complete the speed drill. If there is a line drawn, this means that your child finished the questions up to that point in one minute. The questions beyond the line are subtracted from their score. The kids love the speed drills. Much to their delight, we actually use a timer! The speed drills are to help students add and subtract quickly.
     Both SK and grade one students will take regular A Beka math tests. The grade one tests are occur weekly. Currently the tests consist of addition and subtraction, writing numerals, circling the number which is greater or less and writing the number that comes before or after a given number. The day-to-day class work prepares the students for the tests. The tests look very similar to an everyday worksheet, the only exception being that "Test" is written at the top.
     If you have any questions about the A Beka math program or testing, please email me:

Spelling test this Friday!


Practice your words by taking a test or playing a game:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

This Is Me

This week we wrapped up our unit of inquiry. Have a look at how each student views themselves:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Friday Envelopes on Thursday

Your child's Friday envelope is being sent home today due to the long weekend. Also being sent home is several items that we made during history. We learned about the first writing.

Just a reminder that there is no school on Friday due to a PD day. There is also no school on Monday as it is Thanksgiving.
Have a wonderful long weekend. Enjoy your time with your family. There is no homework!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Food Drive

Bring in canned goods this Thursday and receive house points. All items will be donated to the local food bank to help those in need at Thanksgiving.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Story of Gilgamesh

Spelling Words for October 5-8

Since Friday is a PD day, we will be having our spelling test this Thursday.

Go to to take a test or play a game.


Grade One Reading Homework

Parents of grade one students:
Your child should be reading for about 10 minutes each night. Please record or have your child record their reading each night. If they did not finish the book in one night, please enter the title and the pages read. I do look at the reading log each week. There should be an entry for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week. If there is not an entry recorded on one of these days, I can only assume that your child has not read on that day.

On four day weeks, there is no book review due. Students are still expected to read and record it in their reading logs.

The next book review is due October 23.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Congratulations to the following SK students who brought in their math homework on time:
Clara Joy
You've each earned 100 house points.

Congratulations to the following grade one students who read every night last week and recorded it in their reading logs:
Well done! You've earned a 100 house points each.

We can use pictures and words to express ourselves.

There are many pictures about water and floods. We  have been reading about ancient times and life beside the Nile. The stories have taken hold of the thoughts and imaginations of SK/1!

Numbers Everywhere!

Look what we know about numbers!

Egg Cartons

If you have any egg cartons at home, please send them in this week.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Monkeys, lions and tigers! Oh, my!

Kindergarten kids:
Tomorrow, bring in an animal that starts with one of the following letters:
t l b n m h
We will be reviewing the sounds learned so far in a wild way!