Dear Parents:
As you know, we are using two math programs this year: Math Makes Sense and A Beka math. The Math Makes Sense curriculum is more concept based, where as the A Beka math concentrates more on rote skills.
Right now in A Beka math, SK is concentrating on numbers 1-20. We are learning to write numerals and find groups of numbers.
In grade one we are concentrating on addition and subtraction facts to 6. Each day the grade ones complete a speed drill. There are 12 questions. The goal is to get as many questions answered correctly in 1 minute. If you notice there is a number written on your child's sheet (e.g. 34, 43, 56). This number indicates the number of seconds it took your child to complete the speed drill. If there is a line drawn, this means that your child finished the questions up to that point in one minute. The questions beyond the line are subtracted from their score. The kids love the speed drills. Much to their delight, we actually use a timer! The speed drills are to help students add and subtract quickly.
Both SK and grade one students will take regular A Beka math tests. The grade one tests are occur weekly. Currently the tests consist of addition and subtraction, writing numerals, circling the number which is greater or less and writing the number that comes before or after a given number. The day-to-day class work prepares the students for the tests. The tests look very similar to an everyday worksheet, the only exception being that "Test" is written at the top.
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