Monday, September 21, 2009

Grade One Book Review

Just a reminder that the first book review is due this Friday. Here is some more information that may help you:
1. Write "Book Review #1" on the top of the page. Please center it. Write the date in the top right-hand margin.
2. Your book review only has to be four sentences long. You may use the sentence starters glued to the cover of your notebook, but you may use your own words if you prefer. The sentence starters are there to help.
3. You can write the review on any book in your folder.
4. The book review replaces the one-sentence-a-night homework from last year.
5. You may choose to write the review in one night, or write a couple of sentences one night and the rest the next night.
6. On four day weeks, students will NOT be asked to write a review.
7. Please send in books and folder every Friday.

If you have any questions about the book review, please contact me:

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