Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Grade One Math

This week we started a new math unit on number relationships. Look in your child's Friday envelope this week for more information.

Number Relationships
Due: October 6

Please answer the following questions. In your math notebook, record your answers in pictures, numbers or words.

1. Collect 3 sets of 1-10 objects. For example: six stuffed animals, nine envelopes, two towels. Which set
    has the most? Which set has the least? Record your answers.

2. For the following numbers, draw a picture to match each numberal and print the number words:
        4, 6, 8, 3

3. Gather 20 small objects (buttons, coins, keys, marbles).
     a) Show 5. Show 1 more. Show 2 less.
     b) Make a group of 10. Make a group of 8 more. How many do you have? What is 2 more? What is 2  

4. Place 10-20 objects in a small cup. Estimate the number of objects in the cup. Record your answer.
    Count the objects. How many?

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